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(海信(山东)空调有限公司,山东 青岛 266736)

摘  要:静电防护越来越受到家电、电子类厂家的重视,接地系统是防静电体系中的重要组成部分,其涉及接地体、等电位、工具及设备接地、人体接地、耗散材料的使用等方面。文章从具体的方案进行阐述,其符合性测试标准引用了国标GB50169、美国国家标准委员会ESD20.20 标准、国际电工委员会IEC61340-5-1 等标。希望此文可以给读者在防静电接地系统的搭建上带来帮助。


中图分类号:TB497;TN948.55       文献标识码:A       文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0061-02

Construction of Grounding System in Antistatic System


(Hisense(Shandong) Air Conditioning Co.,Ltd.,Qingdao 266736,China)

Abstract:Electrostatic protection is being paid more and more attention by home appliances and electronics manufacturers.Grounding system is an important part of antistatic system. It involves grounding body,equipotential,grounding of tools and equipment,body grounding,dissipation material and so on. The article elaborates from the specific plan,and its conformity test standard refersto the national standard GB50169,the American National Standard Committee ESD20.20 standard,the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC61340-5-1 and so on. It is hoped that this article will help the reader to build an anti static grounding system.

Keywords:grounding body;equipotential;tool and equipment grounding;human grounding;dissipative material


[1] ISBN:1-58537-121-1,ANSI ESD S20.20 2014 [S].Electrostatic Discharge Association,7900 Turin Road,Bldg.3Rome,NY 13440 .July 31,2014.

[ 2 ] I S B N:2 - 8 3 1 8 - 9 2 5 9 - 7,I E C 6 1 3 4 0 - 5 - 1 [ S ] .INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION .2007.

[3] GB/T 50169-2006,接地装置施工及验收规范 [S].北京:中国计划出版社,2006.

[4] ISBN:1-58537-094-0,ANSI ESD STM7.1 2005 [S].Electrostatic Discharge Association,7900 Turin Road,Bldg.3Rome,NY 13440.February 13,2005.

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作者简介:邢乐(1981.07 -),男,本科,毕业于山东理工大学电子信息工程专业,中级职称,现任工艺部电控专家,主要从事白色家电整机、控制器开发、生产工作。