
(无锡工艺职业技术学院,江苏 无锡 214206)

摘  要:诊改平台的建设模式和系统架构直接影响业务诊改工作推进和成效,通过调研试点院校的诊改方案和诊改平台建设实践,归纳出诊改平台三种建设模式及其各自的优劣势,并建议诊改平台采用诊改数据平台和诊改服务平台两层相分离的系统架构设计思想,使得诊改平台不仅为高职院校内部质量保证体系建设提供信息技术支撑,同时拓展诊改数据平台应用场景,还能为高校后续信息化建设提供更多数据服务。


中图分类号:G717;TP391         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0167-03

Research and Practice on the Construction of Information Platform for Internal Quality Diagnosis and Reform in Higher Vocational Education

HE Yinggao

(Wuxi Vocational Institute of Arts & Technology,Wuxi 214206,China)

Abstract:The construction mode and system structure of the diagnosis and reform platform directly affect the promotion and effectiveness of the business diagnosis and reform work. Through the investigation of the diagnosis and reform scheme and the construction practice of the diagnosis and reform platform in the pilot universities,three construction modes of the diagnosis and reform platform and their respective advantages and disadvantages are summarized. It is suggested that the diagnosis and reform platform adopt the system architecture design idea of the separation of diagnosis and reform data platform and diagnosis and reform service platform to make the diagnosis and reform work The platform not only provides information technology support for the internal quality assurance system construction of higher vocational colleges,but also expands the application scenarios of the data platform for diagnosis and reform,and provides more data services for the follow-up information construction of higher vocational colleges.

Keywords:information platform;quality diagnosis and improvement;data platform

课题项目:江苏省现代教育技术研究 2018年度智慧校园专项课题(2018-R-66945);全国轻工职业教育教学指导委员会 2019 年度课题(QGHZW2019028)


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