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基于Android 的校园APP 的设计与实现 ——以“校园学生信息服务助手”APP 为例
(江西青年职业学院,江西 南昌 330045)

摘  要:为了满足学生能随时随地掌握校园学生信息的需求,在研究学生日常基本需求及行为的基础上,设计了一款基于Android 的“校园学生信息服务助手”APP。在确定开发方案和总体结构的基础上,确定了“校园学生信息服务助手”的核心功能,具体包括:个人信息管理模块、课程表模块、校园论坛模块、私人会话模块。通过该APP,学生可以查询自己的课程信息、发表以及回复主题帖、收藏帖子及关注用户、查看用户间的热门话题、进行用户间的聊天交友。


中图分类号:TP311.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2021)01-0099-03

Design and Implementation of Campus APP Based on Android

——Take “Campus Student Information Service Assistant” APP as an Example

YU Lina

(Jiangxi Youth Vocational College,Nanchang 330045,China)

Abstract:In order to meet the needs of students to master campus student information anytime and anywhere,“campus student information service assistant” APP based on Android is designed on the basis of studying students’daily basic needs and behaviors. On the basis of determining the development plan and overall structure,the core functions of the “campus student information service assistant” are determined,which specifically include:personal information management module,curriculum module,campus forum module and private conversation module. Through the APP,students can query their course information,publish and reply to topic posts,collect posts and follow users,view hot topics among users,and chat and make friends among users.

Keywords:campus;service assistant;Android



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