
数据驱动的 STEAM 课程学习者数字画像构建与应用
(浙江工业大学 教育科学与技术学院,浙江 杭州 310023)

摘  要:当下,STEAM 课程培训机构数量在全国范围内快速增长,学生和家长面对如此多的 STEAM 课程不知道如何选择。为此,采用基于科学的大数据驱动研究范式,以全国范围内 STEAM 课程学习者特征为样本数据集,采用主成分分析法提取 STEAM 课程学习者的基础信息、学习环境、学习需要、学习特征四个方面的主特征,构建数据驱动的 STEAM 课程学习者数字画像。成果有助于发挥数字画像的评价决策功能,帮助家长和学生精准选择合适的 STEAM 课程,提高学生的学习效率。

关键词:STEAM 教育;数字画像;大数据分析;数据驱动


基金项目:2021 年浙江工业大学创新创业训练计划(2021109)

中图分类号:G434                                          文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)05-0186-04

Construction and Application on STEAM Course Learner Digital Portrait of Data-Driven

JIN Zhou, LI Yingxin, DAI Jian

(College of Education Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China)

Abstract: At present, the number of STEAM course training institutions is growing rapidly across the country. Students and parents do not know how to choose in the face of so many STEAM courses. In this regard, this paper adopts the big data-driven research paradigm based on science, takes the characteristics of STEAM course learners nationwide as the sample data set, uses the principal component analysis method to extract the main characteristics of STEAM course learners in four aspects: basic information, learning environment, learning needs and learning characteristics, and constructs a data-driven digital portrait of STEAM course learners. The results are helpful to give play to the evaluation and decision-making function of digital portrait, help parents and students accurately select appropriate STEAM course, and improve students’ learning efficiency.

Keywords: STEAM education; digital portrait; big data analysis; data driven


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作者简介:金洲(2001—),男,汉族,浙江温州人,本科在读,研究方向:STEAM 教育;李颖欣(2001—),女,汉族,浙江金华人,本科在读,研究方向:STEAM 教育;戴坚(2001—),男,汉族,浙江绍兴人,本科在读,研究方向:计算机辅助教育。