
“雨课堂”在“通信原理”课程实验教学中 的应用探索
(安徽科技学院 电气与电子工程学院,安徽 蚌埠 233000)

摘  要:针对传统“通信原理”课程实验教学环节落实不到位的问题,将基于现代信息技术的雨课堂引入“通信原理”课程的实验教学中,以二进制相移键控实验为例,阐述如何利用雨课堂实现课前实验原理预习、课上进行实验原理讲解和操作理论指导、课后实行实验数据处理指导和教学过程评价。教学实践表明,雨课堂增强了师生之间的联系和交流,帮助教师检测每一个学生对实验原理和操作的掌握情况,可更好地调动学生做实验的积极性并形成客观的过程性评价。




中图分类号:TP39;G434                                  文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)06-0178-06

Application Exploration of “Rain Classroom” in Experimental Teaching of “Communication Principle” Course

GAO Weixia, FAN Xiaoyu

(School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Anhui Science and Technology University, Bengbu 233000, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the experimental teaching link of the traditional “communication principle” course is not implemented in place, the rain classroom based on modern information technology is introduced into the experimental teaching of “communication principle”course. Taking the binary phase shift keying experiment as an example, this paper expounds how to use the rain classroom to realize the preview of experimental principle before class, the explanation of experimental principle and operation theory guidance in class, the guidance of experimental data processing and the evaluation of teaching process after class. Teaching practice shows that rain classroom enhances the contact and communication between teachers and students, helps teachers check each student’s mastery of experimental principles and operations, and can better mobilize students’ enthusiasm to do experiments and form objective process evaluation. 

Keywords: rain classroom; experimental teaching; communication principle


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