
线上线下“三位一体”的教学实践 ——以“Linux 操作系统”课程为例
(安徽警官职业学院,安徽 合肥 230031)

摘  要:疫情背景下的线上教学中,计算机类学生面临无高匹配度网络课程资源、无实验操作环境、无现场指导的三重困难,线上线下“三位一体”(MOOC 课程资源+ 学银在线平台+ 云实验平台)的教学模式推进了线上实践教学。以MOOC 教育资源为教学知识点,让学生掌握基本理论知识;以学银在线平台为载体,保证线上教学过程的课前、课中和课后的完整性;以云实验平台开展实践教学,让学生在实际操作中发现问题和解决问题,实现教学目标。


中图分类号:TP301         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2021)01-0189-04

Teaching Practice of Online and Offline “Three-in-One”

——Take “Linux Operating System” Course as an Example

ZHANG Linjing,ZHU Min

(Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers,Hefei 230031,China)

Abstract:In the online teaching under the background of epidemic situation,computer students are faced with three difficulties:no high matching network course resources,no experimental operation environment and no on-site guidance. The online and offline“three-in-one”(MOOC course resources + Xueyin online platform + cloud experimental platform)teaching mode promotes onlinepractice teaching. MOOC education resources are used as teaching knowledge points to enable students to master basic theoreticalknowledge;taking Xueyin online platform as the carrier to ensure the integrity of online teaching process before,during and after class;cloud experimental platform is used to carry out practical teaching,so that students can find and solve problems in practical operation,and achieve teaching objectives.

Keywords:online and offline;three-in-one;teaching practice;teaching mode

基金项目:2017 年安徽省质量工程(2017zhkt170);2018 年安徽省质量工程(2018mooc259);2020 年安徽省质量工程教学研究项目(2020jyxm0388)


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