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多频段组网等综合方案实现5G 建设TCO 最佳研究
(广东南方电信规划咨询设计院有限公司惠州分公司,广东 惠州 516003)

摘  要:通信技术的进步与发展是国家全方位发展的动力源泉,目前世界各国正大力建设5G 网络。虽然我国的5G 建设走在世界前列,但仍受到种种阻碍和挑战,其中最大阻碍是5G 建设投资巨大,给通信运营商造成沉重负担。在不影响5G 建设进度和5G 建设质量的前提下,如何节约5G 的建设投资和运营成本显得格外重要。该文结合河源5G 建设的实际工作,总结统一规划、多频段组网和站址择优等做法,就如何有效使5G 建设TCO 达到最佳的重要课题进行详细分析和讲述。

关键词:5G 建设TCO 最佳;多频段组网;统一规划;站址择优

中图分类号:TN929.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2021)01-0062-03

Best Research of Realizing 5G Construction TCO by Multi-band Networking Integrated Solutions

LI Zhifeng

(Huizhou Branch of Guangdong Southern Telecom Planning Consulting and Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Huizhou 516003,China)

Abstract:The progress and development of communication technology is the motive force source for the country’s all-round development. At present,countries around the world are vigorously building 5G networks. Although China’s 5G construction takes the lead in the world,however,it is still facing a variety of obstacles and challenges,among which the biggest obstacle is the huge investment in 5G construction,it imposes a heavy burden on communication operators. Under the premise of not affecting the progress and quality of 5G construction,how to save 5G construction investment and operating costs seems particularly important. In this paper, combined with the practical work of Heyuan 5G construction,summarize the practices of unified planning,multi-band networking and site selection,and make detailed analysis and talking on how to effectively make 5G construction TCO as the best important subject.

Keywords:5G construction TCO optimal;multi-band networking;unified planning;site selection


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作者简介:李智峰(1978—),男,汉族,广东兴宁人,工程师,本科,研究方向:4G/5G 移动网无线网络规划咨询设计。