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SDN 环境下基于信息熵的 DDoS 攻击检测方法改进
(西安工程大学,陕西 西安 710048)

摘  要:SDN 环境下,针对基于信息熵值的 DDoS 攻击检测方法一般采用固定阈值,无法较好适应网络环境动态变化而导致高误报率的问题,基于此提出了一种对传统信息熵的改进方法,在使用信息熵的基础上运用指数加权移动平均算法设定动态阈值,减小了固定阈值对检测正确率的影响。仿真实验表明该方法较传统信息熵值检测方法提高了检测准确率,同时降低了误报率和检测时间。


中图分类号:TP393.08         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)21-0129-03

Improvement of DDoS Attack Detection Method Based on Information Entropy in SDN Environment

ZHAO Beibei

(Xi’an Polytechnic University,Xi’an 710048,China)

Abstract:In the software definition network(SDN) environment,the method of DDoS attack detection based on the information entropy value generally adopts the fixed threshold value,can not adapt to the dynamic change of the network environment and leads to the problem of high error rate,and provides an improved method for the traditional information entropy. Based on the information entropy,the dynamic threshold is set by using the index-weighted moving average algorithm,and the influence of the fixed threshold on the detection accuracy is reduced. The simulation experiment shows that the method improves the detection accuracy compared with the traditional information entropy value detection method,and simultaneously reduces the error rate and the detection time.

Keywords:SDN;DDoS;information entropy;dynamic threshold


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