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基于 Android 技术的人事管理系统的设计与实现
(泉州华光职业学院,福建 泉州 362121)

摘  要:人事管理系统是一个公司用来存储档案信息、管理员工的一个管理系统,是一个企业管理不可缺少的一部分。它的使用方便简洁,可以为一个公司的领导人节约足够的时间。系统分为前端和后台两部分,前端采用 Android studio 进行开发,后台采用 Java,并且用 MySQL 技术作为数据库,实现如下功能:查询、修改、增加、删除员工档案信息,记录、修改员工薪资、记录、修改员工奖惩情况、员工申请请假和管理员审批请假。



中图分类号:TP311                                     文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2022)05-0129-05

Design and Implementation of Personnel Management System Based on Android Technology

MA Yunlong

(Huaguang College, Quanzhou 362121, China)

Abstract: Personnel management system is a management system used by a company to store file information and manage employees. It is an indispensable part of enterprise management. It is convenient and concise to use, and can save enough time for the leaders of a company. The system is divided into two parts: front end and back stage. The front end is developed by Android studio, the back stage is developed by Java, and MySQL technology is used as the database to realize the following functions: query, modify, add and delete employee file information, record, modify employee salary, record, modify employee reward and punishment situation, employee application for leaving and administrator approval for leaving.

Keywords: personnel management; Android; Java; MySQL


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作者简介:马云龙(1995.08—),男,汉族,陕西洛川人,助教,学士,研究方向:Android 应用开发。