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(昆明铁道职业技术学院,云南 昆明 650208)

摘  要:区块链技术因其去中心化、数据防篡改、防伪可追溯等特征,极大降低了交易欺诈的风险,增进了参与方之间的可信度,故被称为“信任制造机”。针对毕业生就业过程中出现的信任问题,进行了基于区块链技术的教育就业平台可行性分析、架构设计和应用模式探讨,望能对目前教育就业中因“互信”带来的毕业生就业难、企业招聘难、社会就业职能部门服务难等突出问题有所帮助。



中图分类号:TP311                                            文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)09-0150-04

Research on the Architecture of Education-employment Platform Based on Blockchain Technology

LI Linze

(Kunming Railway Vocational and Technical College, Kunming 650208, China)

Abstract: Blockchain technology is called “Trust-manufacturing Machine” , simply because it can greatly reduce the risk of transaction fraud and enhance the credibility between transaction parties by its features of decentralization, data tamper proof, anticounterfeiting and traceability. In view of the trust problems in the process of graduates' employment, the feasibility analysis, architecture design and application mode discussion of the education and employment platform based on blockchain technology are carried out, hoping to help solve the outstanding problems in the current education and employment, such as the difficulty of graduates' employment, the difficulty of enterprise recruitment, and the difficulty of social employment functional departments' services due to “mutual trust”.

Keywords: blockchain; educational informatization; employment; trusted education


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作者简介:李林泽(1977—),男,汉族,云南文山人,高级讲师,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:IP 承载、IPv6、STN、云化数据产品、5G 中回传网络以及人工智能。