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(三门峡职业技术学院,河南 三门峡 472000)

摘  要:人工智能这一概念很早就已经出现,目前人工智能也掀起了一股热潮,且随着第四次科技革命的到来,人工智能技术也得到逐步的发展。但人工智能自出现以来,还受到诸多技术的限制,发展还不够充分。当前基于大数据时代的背景,人工智能技术得到发展,且形成了一定的范式,人工智能的兴起与发展变革了传统的智能模式。在大数据技术的支撑下,人工智能形成了感知、数据、脑科学以及认知智能这四种人工智能范式,构成了人工智能的整体智能模式。本文基于对大数据为人工智能带来的影响的分析,探讨了大数据时代的人工智能范式。


中图分类号:TP18         文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2019)08-0021-02

Artificial Intelligence Paradigm in the Age of Big Data
YUAN Qingze
(Sanmenxia Polytechnic,Sanmenxia 472000,China)

Abstract:The concept of artificial intelligence has appeared very early. At present,artificial intelligence has also set off a boom. With the advent of the fourth scientific and technological revolution,artificial intelligence technology has also been gradually developed. However,since the emergence of artificial intelligence,it has been restricted by many technologies,and its development is insufficient. At present,under the background of big data era,artificial intelligence technology has been developed and formed a certain paradigm. Its rise and development have changed the traditional intelligent model. With the support of big data technology,artificial intelligence has formed four artificial intelligence paradigms:perception,data,brain science and cognitive intelligence,which constitute the whole intelligent model of artificial intelligence. Based on the analysis of the impact of big data on AI,this paper discusses the AI paradigm in the era of big data.

Keywords:big data;artificial intelligence(AI);paradigm


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