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基于 Vue 的地下综合管廊管理平台的前端设计与实现
(通号通信信息集团有限公司,北京 100070)

摘  要:地下管廊是城市的重要基础设施,运用现代化的计算机系统维护其运营具有重要意义。文章使用 Vue 框架技术,设计了地下综合管廊管理平台的前端展示系统。该技术使用前后端分离方式和组件模式进行开发,提高了开发效率,缩短了开发周期,使系统更具扩展性而且可以更快交付使用。在前端系统中集成ElementUI组件库,使开发更加便捷规范,显示效果统一协调;使用 Echarts 图表,使数据显示更加形象直观;这些技术的运用,提高了管廊运行的安全性,实现了管廊运营管理的高效性。



中图分类号:TP311                                         文献标识码:A                                        文章编号:2096-4706(2021)16-0013-06

Front end Design and Implementation of Underground Comprehensive Pipe Gallery Management Platform Based on Vue

LIU Zheng

(CRSC Communication & Information Group Company Ltd., Beijing 100070, China)

Abstract: Underground pipe gallery is an important urban infrastructure. It is of great significance to maintain it’s operation by using modern computer system. This paper uses Vue frame technology to design the front-end display system of underground comprehensive pipe gallery management platform. The technology uses the front-end and back-end separation mode and component mode for development, which improves the development efficiency, shortens the development cycle, makes the system more scalable and can be delivered faster. Integrate ElementUI component library in the front-end system to make the development more convenient and standardized, and the display effect is unified and coordinated; uses Echarts chart to make the data display more visual and intuitive; the application of these technologies improves the safety of pipe gallery operation and realizes the efficiency of pipe gallery operation and management.

Keywords: comprehensive pipe gallery; management platform; Vue; front end development; componentization


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