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赵飞燕 ¹,张丙虎 ²
(1. 陕西国防工业职业技术学院,陕西 西安 710300;2.69242 部队,新疆 吐鲁番 838000)

摘  要:随着现代社会互联网技术的飞速发展,国有企事业单位、院校、民营企业纷纷转向信息化管理模式。根据国家教育改革要求,智慧校园建设速度也越来越快,学生通过互联网可以对有意报考的各类学校进行了解,学校也通过加强学生管理系统的建设提高整体工作效率,有效减少了学校学生管理部门的工作量。文章基于 MIS 管理系统和微信小程序,提出了智慧校园学生报到管理系统的建设方案,具有较强的实践意义。



中图分类号:TP311.1                                     文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)16-0035-03

Design and Construction of Wisdom Campus Student Management System

ZHAO Feiyan1 , ZHANG Binghu2

(1. Shaanxi Institute of Technology, Xi’an 710300, China; 2.The 69242 troops, Turpan 838000, China)

Abstract: With the rapid development of internet technology in modern society, state-owned enterprises, institutions, colleges and private enterprises have turned to informatization management mode. According to the requirements of national education reform, the construction of wisdom campus is also faster and faster. Students can understand all kinds of schools interested in applying for the examination through the internet. The school also improves the overall work efficiency by strengthening the construction of student management system, which effectively reduces the workload of student management department of the school. Based on MIS management system and WeChat applet, this paper puts forward the construction scheme of wisdom campus student registration management system, which has strong practical significance.

Keywords: wisdom campus; student management system; student registration management


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