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(安徽理工大学 空间信息与测绘工程学院,安徽 淮南 232001)

摘  要:我国河流水系分布众多,为满足生产需要,在众多水系中提取主要的河流至关重要。文章采用开方根法和Douglas-peucker 法,利用 C# 语言实现化简程序,同时与 GIS 软件化简结果进行对比分析。研究表明,利用算法程序化简的河流条数与 GIS 的相同为 52 条,但是河流节点数为 965 个,比 GIS 的化简结果少了 40 个节点,且化简水系图更加平滑和美观,自动化程度更高,可以用于从大量的河流中提取主要的河流。

关键词:线状地物要素;Douglas-peucker 法;开方根法;自动综合


中图分类号:TP311                                       文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2021)17-0017-05

Design and Implementation of Comprehensive Simplification Algorithm Based on Linear Ground Object Elements


(School of Spatial Information and Surveying Engineering, Anhui University of Science & Technology, Huainan 232001, China)

Abstract: There are many river systems in China, in order to meet the needs of production, it is very important to extract the main rivers from many river systems. In this paper, the square root method and Douglas-peucker method are used to realize the simplification program in C# language, meanwhile, the simplification results of it are compared with those of GIS software. The research shows that the number of rivers simplified by the algorithm program is the same as that of GIS, which is 52, but the number of river nodes is 965, which is 40 nodes less than the simplification result of GIS, and the simplified river system map is smoother and more beautiful, with a higher degree of automation. It can be used to extract the main rivers from a large number of rivers.

Keywords: linear ground object element; Douglas-peucker method; square root method; automatic synthesis


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