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(北方工业大学 信息学院,北京 100144)

摘  要:在元宇宙中,由数据构成的虚拟数字资产需要具备不可伪造性和可准确溯源性(即无法对数字资产进行复制,且每一笔资产都归属于唯一的用户)。基于公链的 NFT 在一定程度上为数字资产赋予了不可分割的特性,但却无法保证数字所有权归属的真实性,并不适用于元宇宙数字资产的建立。为实现数字资产的可确权性与后量子安全性,提出了基于量子门限密码及量子隐形传态的数字资产所有权管理方案,可以实现理论上的无条件安全。



中图分类号:TP309.7                                      文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)04-0035-05

Research on Security Protection of Metaverse Virtual Digital Assets Based on Quantum Cryptography


(School of Information, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China)

Abstract: In the metaverse, virtual digital assets composed of data need to be unforgeable and accurately traceable, that is, digital assets cannot be copied, and each asset belongs to a unique user. NFT based on public chain endows digital assets with indivisible characteristics to a certain extent, but it can not guarantee the authenticity of digital ownership, so it is not suitable for the establishment of metaverse digital assets. In order to realize the confirmatory right and post-quantum security of digital assets, a digital asset ownership management scheme based on quantum threshold cryptography and quantum teleportation is proposed, which can realize theoretical unconditional security.

Keywords: blockchain; quantum threshold cryptography; metaverse; digital asset; post-quantum security


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