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基于 Python 的图书信息搜集与展示研究
(1. 郑州职业技术学院,河南 郑州 450121;2. 郑州信息工程职业学院,河南 郑州 450121)

摘  要:文章以 Python 语言为基础编写了一个爬虫程序,用于获取网络上关于图书的信息,经过数据清洗和筛选后存入到数据库中实现数据的长久保存。在经过广泛查阅相关主题著作、论文、使用手册等资料后,在借鉴前人的研究成果的基础上,参考了图书评价人员给出的图书得分,尝试去除网络水军对图书得分的影响,最后通过给定的新的图书分值计算公式,重新计算图书得分,并以新的分数推荐给用户。关键词:Python;图书;推荐;查



中图分类号:TP311                                        文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)05-0030-04

Collection and Display Research of Book Information Based on Python

SUN Jun1, LI Qiuyue 1, ZHAO Chenyue 2

(1.Zhengzhou Technical College, Zhengzhou 450121, China; 2.Zhengzhou Information Engineering Vocational College, Zhengzhou 450121, China)

Abstract: This paper writes a crawler program based on the Python language to obtain information about books on the Internet. After data cleaning and filtering, it is stored in the database to achieve long-term data storage. After extensive review of relevant subject works, papers, user manuals and other materials, on the basis of using for reference from previous research results, and referring to the book scores given by book reviewers, it tries to remove the influence of the Internet army on the book scores. Finally, through the given new book score calculation formula, the book score is recalculated, and the new score is recommended to the user.

Keywords: Python; book; recommendation; query


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