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(皖西学院 电子与信息工程学院,安徽 六安 237012)

摘  要:在电力系统中,由于受各种因素的影响,高压电线表面、绝缘子串、杆塔、金具、导线挂点等部位会发生老化或损坏,需要不定期地进行线路检修。在电力巡检机器人身上装配了 GPS 定位模块,运用机械视觉图像处理技术和无线传输技术,使得巡检机器人可以发现电力线路中存在的各种问题,能够做到实时提醒,保障用电安全。经综合测试分析,该机器人可以自主地完成巡线、拍照自动储存、障碍物检测识别以及远程遥控等任务,有效解决了高压线路的故障检测问题。




中图分类号:TP242                                         文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)02-0169-05

Research and Development of Power Inspection Robot System Based on Quadrotor Aircraft

JIA Xiangwei, ZHENG Wenlong, HUANG Yuchen, WANG Benyou

(School of Electronics and Information Engineering, West Anhui University, Lu’an 237012, China)

Abstract: In the power system, various factors bring perishing or damage to the surface of high-voltage wires, insulator strings, poles and towers, metal fittings, wire hanging points and so on, causing the necessity of circuit maintenance at irregular intervals. The power inspection robot, equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System) positioning module, using mechanical vision image processing technology and wireless transmission technology, the inspection robot can find various problems in power lines, give real- time warnings, and ensure the electricity safety. Comprehensive tests and analyses testify that the robot can independently complete tasks such as inspecting line, automatic photographing and storing, detecting and recognizing obstacles, and remote controlling as well. The problem of fault detection of high voltage line is effectively solved.

Keywords: quadrotor aircraft; power inspection robot; mechanical vision; wireless data transmission; GPS


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