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基于超声波传感器的带式输送机烟丝瞬时 流量监测系统的设计
(云南省红塔集团玉溪卷烟厂,云南 玉溪 653100)

摘  要:文章提出了一种基于超声波的带式输送机烟丝瞬时流量监测系统设计方案。该方案通过超声波测距技术获取输送带上烟丝高度数据,完成对烟丝堆积截面轮廓边界的拟合,后将堆积截面近似转化为多边形,再利用相应公式计算多边形的面积即可得出烟丝近似堆积截面积。结合速度编码器获取的输送带速度数据和烟丝标准物理参数,最终得出带式输送机上烟丝瞬时流量,可为烟草制丝带式输送机防堵料智能预警技术提供实时、准确的数据来源。



中图分类号:TP277                                        文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)03-0149-04

Design of Instantaneous Flow Monitoring System for Cut Tobacco Belt Conveyor Based on Ultrasonic Sensor

ZHOU Aimin, YE Fei, SHI Xudong, ZHAO Peicheng

(Yunnan Hongta Group Yuxi Cigarette Factory, Yuxi 653100, China)

Abstract: This paper proposes a kind of instantaneous flow monitoring system design scheme for belt conveyor based on ultrasonic sensor. The scheme obtains the height data of cut tobacco on belt conveyor by ultrasonic ranging technology, completes the fitting of cut tobacco accumulation section profile boundary, and converts the accumulation section to polygon approximatively, then calculates the area of the polygon by using corresponding formula and the approximate area of cut tobacco accumulation section is obtained. Combined with the belt conveyor speed data and cut tobacco standard physical parameters obtained by the speed encoder, it gets the instantaneous flow of the cut tobacco on the belt conveyor finally. It can provide real-time and accurate data source for the intelligent early warning against blocking material technology of cut tobacco belt conveyor.

Keywords: belt conveyor; cut tobacco flow monitoring; multi-point ultrasonic ranging; intelligent early warning against blocking material


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