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基于STM32 的微型四轴救援机的设计与实现
(池州学院 机电工程学院,安徽 池州 247000)

摘  要:本文设计的救援机采用STM32 作为主控芯片,以四轴无人机为载体,利用无线模块进行控制,人体生命检测模块进行检测,GPS 模块进行定位,以实现救援的目的。利用四轴无人机搭载的人体检测模块对某一区域进行检测,当检测到受灾人员时,该模块会发送信号到主控芯片,然后主控芯片会将受灾人员的位置及时反馈给救援人员,那么在救援人员到达搜救地点之 前,就可以利用无线对话模块对被困人员进行心理安慰及疏导,从而大大提高了救援的工作效率。

关键词:STM32;四轴无人机;人体生命检测;GPS 定位

中图分类号:V249.1        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0158-02

Design and Implementation of Micro Four-axis Rescue Machine Based on STM32

ZHANG Hongwei,QIAN Yece,XU Weibing

(School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Chizhou University,Chizhou 247000,China)

Abstract:The rescue aircraft designed in this paper uses STM32 as the main control chip,four-axis UAV as the carrier,uses wireless module to control,human life detection module to detect,and GPS module to locate,in order to achieve the purpose of rescue. The human body detection module carried by four-axis UAV is used to detect a certain area. When the disaster victims are detected,the module will send signals to the main control chip,and then the main control chip will feedback the location of the disaster victims to the rescuers in time. Then the wireless pair can be used before the rescuers arrive at the search and rescue site. The speech module can comfort and guide the trapped personnel,thus greatly improving the efficiency of rescue work.

Keywords:STM32;four axis UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle);human life detection;GPS location


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作者简介:张宏伟(1995.10-),男,汉族,安徽蒙城人, 在读本科生,研究方向:电子技术。