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(广州大学华软软件学院 电子系,广东 广州 510990)

摘  要:为了满足当今水产精细化养殖中减少人力、精准投料及降低污染等市场需求,本文设计了一种基于微控制器STM32F103 实现的智能精准投料控制系统。该系统首先采用基于STM32F103+W5500 网络通讯器的数据网关实现投料机终端与PC 上位机通信;其次,采用基于STM32F103+HX711 数模转换器的投料机终端实现精准投料。为了实现系统的精准投料,本系统利用中值滤波和均值滤波获取实时投喂重量,并通过二级闭环控制降低称料误差,从而达到对喂投重量的精准控制。实验结果证明:本系统能够集散控制多台投料终端且运行稳定,能够实现精准投料。

关键词:智能投料系统;集散控制;PID 控制;CAN 通信;STM32F103;W5500;HX711

中图分类号:TP29         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0159-04

Design of an Intelligent Precise Feeding Control System Based on Distributed Control
XIA Guoqing,TAN Shijian,CHEN Huazhen
(Department of Electronics,South China Institute of Software Engineering of Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510990,China)

Abstract:In order to meet the market demand of reducing manpower,precise feeding and pollution in aquaculture,an intelligent precise feeding control system based on microcontroller STM32F103 was designed. Firstly,the data gateway based on STM32F103 + W5500 network communicator is used to realize the communication between feeder terminal and PC host computer;secondly,the feeder terminal based on STM32F103 + HX711 digital-to-analog converter is used to realize accurate feeding. In order to realize the accurate feeding of the system,the system uses median filter and mean filter to obtain the real-time feeding weight,and reduces the weighing error through two-stage closed-loop control,so as to achieve the accurate feeding weight control. The experimental results show that the system can control multiple feeding terminals in a distributed way and run steadily. It can achieve accurate feeding.

Keywords:intelligent feeding system;distributed control;PID control;CAN communication;STM32F103;W5500;HX711


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