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基于光交叉矩阵的智能光纤资源调 度系统设计
(中国电子科技集团公司第三十四研究所,广西 桂林 541004)

摘  要:光纤通信的飞速发展为高速数据的传输带来便利,随着全光网络的覆盖日趋完善,光缆资源及光口业务数量也急剧增长,对光缆资源的调度能力和运维效率提出更高要求。文章通过对比传统光缆资源调度方式,提出基于光交叉矩阵的智能光纤调度系统,对系统工作原理、功能特点、应用场景、实现效果进行详细阐述,为通信系统光网络资源管理提供有益参考。



中图分类号:TN929.5                                     文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2022)05-0064-04

Design of Intelligent Optical Fiber Resource Scheduling System Based on Optical Cross Matrix

WEI Xi, TANG Linlin, XU Zhiqiang, XU Weikai

(The 34th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Guilin 541004, China)

Abstract: The rapid development of optical fiber communication has brought convenience to the transmission of high-speed data. With the coverage of all-optical networks has become more and more perfect, the number of optical cable resources and optical port services has also increased sharply, and higher requirements are placed on the dispatching ability and operation and maintenance efficiency of optical cable resources. By comparing traditional optical fiber cable resource scheduling methods, this paper proposes an intelligent optical fiber scheduling system based on optical cross matrix, and elaborates the system’s working principle, functional characteristics, application scenarios, and implementation effects in detail, and it provides a useful reference for the optical network resource management of the communication system.

Keywords: optical fiber; optical cross; matrix; scheduling


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