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(1. 西藏民族大学,陕西 咸阳 712082;2. 成都理工大学,四川 成都 610059)

摘  要:地震多发地区通信基站的工况预测是震后通信应急保障及减灾的一项重要基础工作。针对目前基站评估仅限于基站结构等局地参数的分析方法,文章从地质地理条件等影响因素出发,通过定性的线性回归分析建模并预测震后基站失效概率。通过对预测概率分布的统计分析确定阈值为 0.4,模型检验集结果显示预测准确率为 95.2%。该结果说明,从大尺度空间、地质地理等宏观参数的设置,可以对震后基站工况进行较准确预测评估。

关键词:地震易发地区;通信基站;Logistic 回归;可靠性预测


中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)05-0068-04

Reliability Forecast of Communication Base Stations in Earthquake Prone Zones

LI Xueming1, WEI Yao2, CONG Hao1, CHANG Qihai 1

(1.Xizang Minzu University, Xianyang 712082, China; 2.Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China)

Abstract: The prediction of the working status of communication base stations in earthquake prone zones is an important basic work for post-earthquake communication emergency support and disaster reduction. In response to the current analysis method of base station assessment limited to local parameters such as base station structure, this paper models and predicts the failure probability of postearthquake base station through  qualitative linear regression analysis from geological and geographical factors. The threshold value of 0.4 is determined by statistical analysis of the predicted probability distribution, the results of model test set show that the prediction accuracy is 95.2%. This result illustrates that the setting of macroscopic parameters from large scale spatial and geological-geographical can be used for a more accurate prediction assessment of post-earthquake base station working conditions.

Keywords: earthquake prone area; communication base station; Logistic regression; reliability prediction


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作者简介:李学明(1994—),男,汉族,四川内江人,硕士研究生在读,研究方向:电子与通信工程;魏瑶(1993—),女,汉族,四川内江人,硕士研究生在读,研究方向:应用数学;丛昊(1994—),男,汉族,黑龙江鸡西人,硕士研究生在读,研究方向:电子与通信工程;通讯作者:常岐海(19 72—),男,汉族,陕西咸阳人,硕士生导师,教授,工学博士,研究方向:光电检测方法及信号处理、环境危害气体的光谱检测技术和光热太阳能发电技术等。