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摘  要:随着社会经济的快速发展,人们的夜间出行越来越频繁,夜晚的路灯照明也成为了城市建设的重中之重。路灯是城市作为亮化工程的重要组成部分,越来越被政府所重视,大量的资金投入使得我们的城市夜晚变得灯火辉煌,绚丽多彩。但问题也随之而来,大量的路灯照明不仅造成能耗的节节攀升,电费支出过多等问题也越来越突出,由此产生的维护量也相应增大,特别是现在社会要求环保节能更是给我们的路灯照明带来更严峻的技术挑战。因此,我们本着节能减排,保护环境的目的,开发设计出了智能路灯。本研究与设计是通过软件控制,利用自动控制系统来实现太阳能收集光能并转换为电能存储在蓄电池中,进而给路灯输送电能;利用环境亮度采集模块控制路灯的夜间开启时间,利用PWM脉宽调制技术实现路灯分级调光,最后利用超声波传感器和红外热释和声音传感器检测是否有路人或者车辆经过路灯,如果有路人或者车辆经过路灯时,路灯能进行相应的调光。由此减少路灯的电能损耗,达到节能减排的目的。




中图分类号:TP273.5     文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2017)04-0008-03

Research and Design of Intelligent Street LampController

SU Cimin,LI Qide,HUANG Jianchang,LU Junhua

(Guangdong Ocean University Cunjin College,Zhanjiang  524094,China)

AbstractWith the rapid development of socialeconomy,people travel more andmore frequently at night,street lighting at night hasbecome the top priority of urban construction. The street is the city as animportant part of lighting engineering,more and moreattention by the government,invest a lot of money tomake our city become bright and colorful brilliantly illuminated at night. Butthe attendant problems,a large number of streetlighting not only cause energy consumption rising,electricitycosts too much problem has become increasingly prominent,the resulting maintenance quantity also increases,especially now the social requirements of environmental protectionand energy saving technology is more challenge to our street lighting moreserious. Therefore,we have the spirit of energy-savingemission reduction,protect the environment,develop the design of a intelligent street lamp. The research anddesign is controlled by software,the automatic controlsystem to realize the solar collection light and converted into electricalenergy stored in the battery,and then to the lamp powertransmission; the environmental brightness collectingmodule control lamp of the night opening time,street toachieve classification dimming with PWM pulse width modulation technology,the ultrasonic sensor and infrared the heat release and sound sensorto detect whether there is a pedestrian or vehicle through the street,if people or vehicles after the street lamp,streetlamp can adjust the light. The street lights to reduce the power loss,achieve the purpose of energy saving.

Keywordsintelligent lighting;PWM pulse width modulation technology;ultrasonic sensor


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